Thursday, August 30, 2007

Accessesing Technology

Interactive whiteboards can be lowered and made accessible for students with a wide range of needs. Bradley can reach the board and use the stylus from his wheelchair easily.

"Watch this!" he says.

Class is In !

Pick a box

Issaac can find and show who is in class using his visual class roll. He chooses his image and answers the question
'Who is here today ?' by placing his photo in the YES box.

Using the Gallery Search

Mosiah can use the software to find the picture he wants with a search function.

Infants Study Transport

Mosiah can use the Smartboard keyboard to type out train and bus.

Copying the Days of the Week

Matching Days of the Week

Visual Matching

Matching the word to the part on a giant penguin, part of Primary's Antarctica Unit.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Making Choices

An excellent resource for SSP specific media can be found at the Priory Woods School site. They have an excellent series of downloadable animations and interactive media for choice making activities. These downloads can be used with touch switches, touchscreens or whiteboards. They are one of the most relevant sites available to SSPs looking for switch media.

Darren can be seen here making a choice from a selection of ABBA songs !

Thursday, August 23, 2007

On Task !

Joyful interaction with Whiteboard technology is an engaging thing to watch !

Reaching the board

Teachers in SSPs are in a demanding job where extra support for students is a daily need. To enable equitable access to whiteboard media, support, direction and prompted movement is neccessary. Helpers have to be physically able and competent practitioners.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eyes on Task

Classes are engaged by exciting media.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Own Pace

Students can use individual PC consoles to orient themselves to tasks with fewer distractions when given the benefit of their own equipment. Something as simple as individual headphones can make the difference between unfocused behaviour and taking a greater interest in curriculum based skills.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Using your swordhand !

Students can gain a better sense of shadow management in a projected media environment when their shoulder is kept out of play. After some prompting and guidance students often gain skills to manage their shadow.

Nic at the Whiteboard

Nic enjoyed using the mobile whiteboard. He solved the problem of shadows cast by a low tabletop projector after prompting. Nic held the stylus well and was engaged with the workspace.

Music Rocks !

Students enjoy being Tech Savy. Age appropriate leisure activities increase the positive rewards available to students in class.