Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wednesdays we Tech together

From time to time

you will see this sign

at our school

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Touchdown !

Our Secondary students are refining their skills.
Each day the DER 1:1 laptop program provides students with a means to develop fine motor skills. Students develop these in real world learning and leisure situations at the keyboard. It is not easy. Students do have to try try again ! The steps and keystrokes are small and the journey is long. Each child has varying ability and varying need. Each child has differing stamina for the tasks at hand. But each student has the chance to pursue their choices and interests at the keyboard. It's an interface with the changing world around.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Heroes Journey

Jim is your strong silent type of hero.
A young man of few words.
But when he wants to, he can wield a gadget.